Breed Standard

The ALD, breed standard considers general appearance, temperament, size, and coat to name a few

General Appearance
The Australian Labradoodle moves with agility and grace when active yet is compact with substance and medium boning. Brimming with joy and energy when free, they become relaxed and quiet when handled. Australian Labradoodles have a free-flowing wavy or curly coat that is low to non-shedding. Early generation Labradoodles used for infusion have greater variability in the coat.
The Australian Labradoodle is naturally social and bonds well with its human companions. Overflowing with joy and fun, they bring endless amusement and happiness to those around them. The Labradoodle is intuitive and intelligent, showing exceptional love and loyalty to those with special needs. Easily trained, the Labradoodle is an ideal companion for families of all kinds.

There should be no appreciable difference in the general appearance of the Standard, Medium, or Miniature sizes except in the actual size difference. Approximate weight can range from 15 pounds to 65 pounds. Height is measured to the top of the shoulder blades (withers) while standing squarely on a level surface.
Height: 14 to 16 inches (not over 17), 35cm to 43cm
Height: 17 to 20 inches (not over 21), 43cm to 53cm
Height: 21 to 24 inches, 53cm to 63cm
Note: Service dogs bred for mobility support may be larger than the breed standard.

The ideal in the Australian Labradoodle is a low to non-shedding coat; however, because the breed is still evolving, it is common to see more than one coat type in the breed. Australian Labradoodles have a single coat ranging from straight to loose curls or wool. Ideally, the curls should not be tight and the coat should not be too thick or fluffy. They can be allergy-friendly to many people who have dog-related allergies. The coat is as non-shedding as any dog can be. However, in some of the early generations, F1, F2, and F1b, more shedding can occur, but shedding is rarely seen in the multi generational Labradoodle.
There are three types of texture:
The hair coat sheds a light to moderate amount. This coat is seen in early generations.
The wool coat is dense and similar in feel to a lamb's wool. Wool coats hang in tight or loose spiraling curls and will open up to show the skin. It is low to no shed.
The fleece coat has a silky texture often described as an Angora goat texture. This coat ranges from straight to wavy or falling in soft curls. It is low to no shed.
There are four basic colorations: black, chocolate, caramel (yellow with chocolate pigment) and cream/red (yellow with black pigment). Colour genetics can be complicated! To learn more about coat colour and their specific genetics read more here.
Coat Patterns include:
Any sign of aggression or dominance (major fault)
Fearful, timid, yappy or highly-strung temperaments
Short or overly thick neck
A coat that sheds like a hair coat in a multigenerational dog
A long, narrow head
Protruding or sunken eyes
Watery or tearful eyes
Over or underbite
Long back
Bad carriage or heavy gait
Cow hock
Toeing in or out
Albinism (disqualification), Merle coat pattern